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Tips for Making a Home Insurance Claim: Navigating the Process Smoothly and Efficiently

Home insurance in Burlington protects you from financial loss resulting from property damage. Home insurance in Burlington, Ontario may also cover living expenses if your house has been damaged by a covered event, rendering it uninhabitable, and you are forced to temporarily rent a home. 

If a covered event occurs causing damage to your property, file a home insurance claim within the prescribed time frame. 

Here are some tips to help you maximize the chances of your claim getting approved. 

Understand Your Policy

Before filing a home insurance claim, read insurance documents to understand the nature of coverage, deductibles, and policy limitations. Use this information to make informed decisions and file your insurance claim accurately. 

Document Everything

After a covered event occurs, document damages immediately. Take photos or videos of damaged items. Write down details related to the event and the extent of damage caused in a diary.  Store these documents in a cool, dry place (consider creating digital copies and storing them on the cloud). Photos, videos, and written lists can support your claim, increasing your chances of success. Furnish complete, accurate, and up-to-date information as missing or inaccurate details can lead to delays or denial. Be prepared to provide repair and/or replacement estimates.

Report Promptly

Most insurers require policyholders to report damage within a specific time frame. File your claim as soon as possible after a covered event occurs. Delays in filing a claim can lead to complications or result in the home insurance company, Burlington rejecting your claim. By promptly reporting any damage caused by a covered event, you demonstrate reliability. Prompt reporting can streamline the claims process.

Take Steps to Mitigate Property Damage and Prevent Further Damage

Make necessary temporary repairs (such as covering damaged windows or fixing leaks) to mitigate damage and prevent further damage. Save repair receipts as some or all of these expenses may be reimbursable depending on insurance terms and conditions. Remember if you fail to take reasonable measures to mitigate damage, your claim can be partially or fully denied. 

Follow-up and Communication

Regularly call and mail your insurer’s office to check claim status. Provide any additional information requested by the insurer promptly. Keep records of all communications with the insurance company. You can use these records to prove your point if a dispute occurs while navigating the claims process. Effective communication builds trust, prevents misunderstandings, and demonstrates your commitment to resolving the claim as efficiently as possible. 

Work With an Adjuster

If you are overwhelmed by the home insurance claims process or the claim value is too high, consider hiring a public adjuster. An adjuster negotiates with your insurer on your behalf, helps you uncover valuable insights, and makes sure your rights as a policyholder are protected throughout the claims process. 

Answer the adjuster’s questions and provide any information they request promptly. Review the adjuster’s report and seek advice from another professional if you disagree with the assessment performed by the adjuster initially hired by you.  

Follow Guidelines

Adhere to policy guidelines. File a home insurance claim within the stipulated timeline and be prepared to provide proof of loss incurred due to damage caused by the covered event. Remember non-compliance can complicate matters and even lead to claim rejection. 

Some Mistakes That Can Lead to Claims Denial 

If you make these mistakes while filing a home insurance claim, your insurer can reject the claim. 

  • Making unauthorized home repairs
  • Filing a claim for pre-existing damage (that is damage that was caused by an event before you purchased the policy)
  • Hiding material facts 
  • Inflating the value of the claim or if the claim is found to be false. In addition to rejecting an exaggerated or false claim, the insurer can take legal action against you 
  • Failure to renew your home insurance policy promptly 


Solidify Insurance offers the best home insurance in Burlington. No matter how complex your needs are, we can create a custom home insurance plan to meet them. To make an appointment, call (905 282-9318. 

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