Under Construction Building Insurance in Burlington, ON

Protect your valuable assets with our comprehensive Under Construction Building Insurance, guaranteeing the safeguarding of your property investments during the construction phase.

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Get The Right Insurance Coverage For Your Construction Site

Any construction project needs insurance coverage, but it becomes much more important while it’s being constructed. A new building, remodeling, or expansion could all benefit from having adequate insurance coverage, offering peace of mind against unforeseen circumstances that can arise throughout the building process.

Our team of experts at Solidify Insurance understands the specific risk factors connected to under construction building insurance in Burlington. In close collaboration with you, we design a comprehensive insurance plan that best suits your needs and returns on your investment. Get in touch with us today to protect your ongoing project and reduce any potential threats.

Secure Your Construction Projects With Under Construction Insurance In Burlington

At Solidify Insurance, we comprehend that building projects are intricate endeavors with particular risks and difficulties. For this purpose, we are committed to becoming Burlington, ON’s finest provider of specialized under-construction insurance solutions.

Our team of professionals has an in-depth knowledge of the regional construction market, which enables us to provide insurance solutions that are specifically tailored to your needs while adhering to all regulatory requirements. We also make it a point to keep contemporary with industry standards and new legislation so that our policies are always pertinent.

For all of your construction project needs in Burlington, Ontario, and beyond, you can count on us to be your reliable partner in providing comprehensive insurance coverage.

Why should you buy a rental home owners insurance policy?

Protect your construction project from unexpected setbacks and financial burdens with Under Construction Building Insurance. This essential policy mitigates risks, ensures compliance with legal requirements, and provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on completing your project successfully. Don’t leave your investment unprotected – secure your construction site with the right insurance coverage today.

There are several compelling reasons why you should consider purchasing an Under Construction Building Insurance policy:

Risk Mitigation

Construction sites are inherently fraught with risks, as accidents, fires, vandalism, and natural disasters can occur unexpectedly. An Under Construction Building Insurance policy acts as a safety net, offering financial protection against these unforeseen events. It not only shields your project from potential setbacks but also minimizes the financial burden associated with damage or loss, allowing you to proceed with your construction plans with confidence.

Legal Requirement

In many jurisdictions, construction insurance is not just advisable; it's a legal mandate. Failure to comply with these regulations can have severe consequences, including hefty fines and project suspension. By obtaining the necessary insurance, you not only stay in accordance with the law but also demonstrate your commitment to responsible construction practices.

Cost Savings

Without the protective shield of Under Construction Building Insurance, any damage or loss incurred on your construction site would be your sole responsibility. Repairing or replacing damaged property and equipment can be financially crippling. This insurance policy offers substantial cost savings by covering these expenses, ensuring that unexpected incidents don't derail your project's budget.

Lender and Investor Requirements

Many lenders and investors view construction insurance as a prerequisite for providing financial support. They see it as a sign of prudent risk management. Having this insurance in place can help you secure the necessary funding for your project, making it an essential component of your construction financing strategy.

Protecting Your Investment

Your construction project likely represents a significant financial investment. Protecting that investment is paramount, and Under Construction Building Insurance serves as a crucial safeguard. It ensures that even in the face of unforeseen setbacks, such as fire damage or theft, your project can continue without bearing the full financial brunt, safeguarding your overall investment.

Liability Coverage

Beyond property protection, this insurance often includes liability coverage. In the dynamic environment of a construction site, accidents involving third parties or damage to their property can occur. Liability coverage shields you from potential lawsuits and associated legal costs, ensuring that your project remains on track and financially secure.

What are the different coverages under construction building insurance policy?

Under Construction Building Insurance policies typically offer a range of coverages to protect construction projects from various risks and liabilities. These coverages can vary by insurance provider and policy, but common types of coverage include:

Property Damage Coverage

This vital coverage shields the construction project's structure and materials from a range of perils, including fire, vandalism, theft, and natural disasters. It ensures that the financial burden of repairing or replacing damaged property doesn't fall entirely on the project owner, minimizing disruptions and maintaining the project's financial viability.

Builder's Risk Coverage

Builder's Risk Insurance is tailored exclusively for construction projects, safeguarding the structure, building materials, and equipment during the construction phase. It's designed to cover damages arising from accidents, theft, fire, and other unexpected events that can jeopardize the project's progress.

Third-Party Liability Coverage

Also known as General Liability Insurance, this coverage is crucial for protecting against claims from third parties. It provides financial security in cases of injuries to workers, visitors, or damage to adjacent properties caused by the construction activities, helping mitigate legal and compensation expenses.

Equipment and Tool Coverage

This coverage extends to the valuable construction equipment, machinery, and tools used on-site. It shields against potential financial losses resulting from theft, damage, or equipment breakdown, ensuring that construction proceeds smoothly.

Delay in Completion Coverage

Often referred to as Course of Construction Insurance, this coverage is essential for construction projects facing delays due to unforeseen circumstances like weather, accidents, or material shortages. It helps cover additional expenses and potential income losses caused by project extensions, enabling better project management.

Materials in Transit Coverage

Protecting materials while in transit to the construction site is critical. This coverage offers security against theft, damage, or loss during transportation, ensuring that vital materials arrive intact and construction can continue as planned.

Debris Removal Coverage

In the event of damage or destruction on the construction site, the cost of debris removal and disposing of damaged materials can be substantial. Debris removal coverage helps alleviate this financial burden, enabling efficient cleanup and restoration.

Contractor's Equipment Coverage

This coverage is tailored to protect the equipment and tools owned by the contractor or subcontractors. It includes coverage for equipment breakdowns, damages, and losses, helping contractors maintain their operations without undue financial strain.

Scaffolding and Temporary Structures Coverage

Construction often involves temporary structures like scaffolding and shoring. This coverage safeguards these structures against damage or loss, supporting construction progress and safety.

Professional Liability Coverage

Critical for architects, engineers, and construction professionals, this coverage protects against claims of professional negligence, errors, or omissions during the project's design or management phase, mitigating potential legal and financial consequences.

Legal Expenses Coverage

Construction projects can sometimes lead to disputes or lawsuits. Legal expenses coverage assists in covering the costs associated with defending against claims or lawsuits, ensuring that legal matters don't impede project progress.

Environmental Liability Coverage

In cases where construction activities may impact the environment, this coverage is essential. It protects against potential liabilities related to pollution or contamination, providing financial security and peace of mind for environmentally sensitive projects.

Why should you buy a Solidify Under Construction Building Insurance Policy?

Purchasing a Solidify Under Construction Building Insurance Policy is a prudent decision for several compelling reasons:

Comprehensive Protection:

Solidify’s policy is a robust shield for your construction project, offering a wide-reaching umbrella of protection. It covers an array of potential risks, such as fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. This all-encompassing coverage ensures that your project remains financially secure and on track, even when confronted with unexpected setbacks. With Solidify’s policy, you can confidently navigate the unpredictable challenges of construction.

Risk Mitigation:

Construction sites inherently harbor risks that can disrupt timelines and inflate costs. Unforeseen events like accidents or adverse weather conditions can lead to substantial financial losses. Solidify’s insurance policy acts as a risk management tool, mitigating these uncertainties. By reducing your financial liability in the event of mishaps, it provides a safety net that empowers you to proceed with your project confidently and efficiently.

Compliance with Legal Requirements:

Regulatory compliance is paramount in the construction industry, and in many jurisdictions, construction insurance is a legal mandate. Solidify’s policy ensures that you meet these legal requirements, sparing you from potential fines and project suspension. It’s a proactive measure that demonstrates your commitment to responsible construction practices.

Financial Prudence:

Without insurance, the burden of repairing or replacing damaged property, equipment, or materials falls squarely on your shoulders. This financial strain could wreak havoc on your project’s budget and timeline. Solidify’s policy offers essential cost savings by covering these expenses. By doing so, it acts as a financial buffer, allowing you to manage your project efficiently without the specter of budgetary constraints.

Support for Financing:

Securing financing for construction projects often hinges on having adequate insurance coverage in place. Many lenders and investors require this as a condition for funding. Solidify’s policy serves as a powerful asset in your financing strategy, facilitating access to the necessary funds to bring your project to fruition.

Protection for Your Investment:

Your construction project represents a substantial financial commitment. Solidify’s insurance policy is a crucial protector, ensuring that your investment remains secure. Even when confronted with unexpected challenges, such as unforeseen damage or delays, the policy provides the necessary financial backing to keep your project on course.

Liability Coverage:

In the dynamic environment of construction, accidents, injuries, or property damage can occur, potentially leading to legal claims and significant expenses. Solidify’s policy often includes liability coverage, shielding you from the financial consequences of such incidents. It’s an essential safeguard that allows you to focus on your project’s success while mitigating the risks associated with third-party claims and legal proceedings.

Inclusion And Exclusions Of Solidify Under Construction Building Insurance


Covered Events



Property Damage

Covers damage due to fire, theft, vandalism, natural disasters, etc.


Builder’s Risk

Protects the structure, materials, and equipment during construction.


Liability Coverage

Shields against claims for injuries or property damage to third parties.


Equipment and Tools

Covers construction equipment, machinery, and tools from damage/theft.


Materials in Transit

Protects materials while in transit to the construction site.


Debris Removal

Helps cover the cost of debris removal and disposal after damage.


Delay in Completion

Compensates for expenses due to project delays caused by covered events.


Negligence and Intentional Acts

Damage due to intentional acts or negligence by the insured.


Normal Wear and Tear

Excludes ordinary wear and tear, deterioration, and maintenance issues.


Pollution and Contamination

Damage or liability arising from pollution, contamination, or hazardous materials.


War and Terrorism

Losses from war, terrorism, or nuclear events are generally excluded.


Contractual Disputes

Legal disputes related to contracts or subcontractor issues are not covered.


Design Errors

Excludes coverage for design errors, omissions, or flaws.


Fines and Penalties

Fines, penalties, and punitive damages are usually not covered.


Who Can Buy Under Construction Building Insurance?

Under Construction Building Insurance is typically purchased by individuals or entities involved in construction projects. This insurance is intended to protect the interests of those actively engaged in building or renovating structures. Here are the primary parties who commonly purchase Under Construction Building Insurance:

Property Owners:

Property owners take the initiative to purchase Under Construction Building Insurance when embarking on construction or renovation ventures on their land. This insurance serves as a protective shield for their substantial investment during the construction phase. It ensures that their property remains financially secure in the event of unforeseen mishaps, safeguarding against potential losses that could jeopardize the completion of their project.


General contractors, construction companies, and subcontractors are frequent purchasers of this insurance. They recognize the importance of liability coverage to protect their interests and those of their clients. Under Construction Building Insurance provides essential financial security, covering property damage, theft, and potential accidents on the construction site, allowing them to carry out their work confidently.

Real Estate Developers:

Real estate developers engaging in the construction of residential or commercial properties understand the need for comprehensive insurance. This coverage acts as a safety net, preserving their investment until the project reaches completion and is ready for occupation or sale. Developers rely on Under Construction Building Insurance to mitigate risks throughout the construction journey.


Individual builders and custom home builders often secure this insurance when constructing single-family homes, townhouses, or other residential structures. It serves as a fundamental tool to protect their work and investment, ensuring that the construction process proceeds smoothly and without financial disruption.


Investors and financial institutions providing funding for construction projects often require property owners or developers to obtain Under Construction Building Insurance as a prerequisite for financing. This insurance provides a layer of protection for the investor’s capital and aligns with prudent risk management practices.

Architects and Engineers:

Professionals involved in the design and planning stages of construction projects recognize the importance of professional liability coverage. Under Construction Building Insurance safeguards them against claims of professional negligence or errors in their services, bolstering their ability to offer their expertise with confidence.

Government Agencies:

Government entities overseeing construction projects, such as government agencies or municipal bodies, invest in Under Construction Building Insurance to protect public assets. This insurance ensures that taxpayer-funded projects remain financially secure during construction, minimizing potential setbacks.

Renovation or Remodeling Contractors:

Businesses or individuals specializing in renovation or remodeling work on existing structures understand the value of this insurance. It covers their work and any potential property damage that may occur during the renovation process, offering peace of mind to both contractors and property owners.

Homeowners (in some cases):

Homeowners taking on significant home improvement projects or renovations occasionally opt to purchase a limited form of Under Construction Building Insurance. This provides protection for their property during construction, reducing the financial risks associated with home improvement endeavors.

How to File an Under Construction Building Insurance Claim?

Filing an Under Construction Building Insurance claim is an essential process to recover losses or damages incurred during the construction phase of a building. Here are the general steps to file a claim:

Notify the Insurer:

Promptly reporting any damage, loss, or incident that falls under your Under Construction Building Insurance policy is paramount. Timely notification initiates the claims process, allowing the insurer to respond swiftly. This ensures that you can address the situation promptly, minimizing potential disruptions to your construction project.

Gather Documentation:

Thoroughly document the incident by collecting pertinent evidence. This includes photographs and videos capturing the extent of the damage, detailed damage estimates from qualified professionals, and any relevant witness statements. If the incident involves criminal activities, obtaining a police report further substantiates your claim, strengthening your case.

Contact Authorities:

In cases of criminal activities like theft or vandalism, engage local authorities immediately. Reporting the incident to law enforcement is essential for both your safety and the claims process. Acquiring a copy of the police report serves as vital evidence for your insurance claim, demonstrating the legitimacy of the incident.

Contact Your Contractor:

Notify the general contractor and any relevant parties involved in the construction project about the incident. These stakeholders may need to provide essential information or documentation related to the claim. Collaboration ensures a comprehensive and accurate assessment of the situation.

Consult Your Insurance Adjuster:

Your insurance company will assign an adjuster to evaluate the damage and investigate the claim. Cooperate fully with the adjuster, granting access to the construction site and supplying all requested information. Prepare to answer any inquiries and provide detailed accounts of the incident, facilitating a thorough assessment.

Complete Claim Forms:

Accurate and comprehensive completion of claim forms is crucial. These documents require detailed information regarding the incident, the extent of damage, and any relevant particulars. Ensuring the accuracy of these forms expedites the claims process and assists the insurer in evaluating your claim effectively.

Provide Estimates:

Obtain repair or replacement estimates from qualified contractors or professionals. These estimates are essential for the insurance company to assess the cost of the damage accurately. A well-documented estimate helps determine the appropriate coverage amount, ensuring that your claim is resolved fairly.

Review Your Policy:

Familiarize yourself with your Under Construction Building Insurance policy’s terms and conditions. Understanding the coverage and any exclusions is essential for navigating the claims process effectively. This knowledge empowers you to advocate for your coverage rights.

Cooperate with Insurer’s Investigation:

Be prepared to provide additional information and documentation as requested during the insurance company’s investigation. Cooperation facilitates a thorough assessment of your claim and expedites the resolution process.

Claim Decision:

Following a comprehensive review of all documentation and information, the insurance company will make a claim decision. This may involve approval, denial, or a settlement offer. If approved, you will receive instructions on the next steps, whether it’s arranging for repairs or receiving reimbursement for covered losses.

Appeal If Necessary:

If your claim is unjustly denied, you have the option to appeal the decision with your insurance company. Consulting with your insurance agent or seeking legal advice, if needed, can help you navigate the appeals process effectively and advocate for a fair resolution.

Repair or Replace:

If your claim is approved, proceed with the repair or replacement of the damaged property. Adhere to any guidelines or requirements set by the insurance company during the restoration process. This ensures that the construction project can resume smoothly and that your property is restored to its pre-accident condition.

Stay Ahead of Construction Risks!

Staying ahead of construction risks is essential for a successful project. Our Under Construction Building Insurance offers the proactive protection you need to minimize potential setbacks. By reaching out at (905) 282-9318, you can explore your coverage options and ensure that your project stays on course, regardless of unexpected challenges. Don’t let risks dictate the outcome—take control with our insurance solutions.

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Frequently Askеd Quеstions (FAQs)

How do you calculate the cost for construction insurance?
Numerous variables, including the nature of the project, its scope, location, and required coverage, as well as the contractor’s past performance and claims history, influence the cost of construction insurance.

Collaborate with a knowledgeable insurance provider that is familiar with regional and sector-specific laws to guarantee your policy satisfies all applicable compliance requirements.

While other forms of insurance might not offer sufficient coverage during the building period, construction insurance is particularly made to handle the special risks connected with construction projects.

Insurance coverage usually starts as soon as the policy is in force and payments are paid; the waiting time varies based on the insurance provider and policy terms.

It is possible for construction insurance to have exclusions for things like willful behavior, poor craftsmanship, and losses resulting from natural calamities. To determine what is and is not covered, it is crucial to thoroughly read the policy.

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